Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Topic/Theme Explanation

Plastic Waster Jewellery

Figure 1 - Albrecht. M. 2019. Brooch. Polyethylene (plastic bags & packaging films), silver, dental steel

Figure 2 - Givenchy. J. 2019 Taffin's Earring. Ceramics, gold or silver, and diamonds 


My topic/theme will be focusing on plastic waste recycling, through the process of melting HDPE plastic (high-density polyethylene) into flat sheets or 3D moulds. I want to make contemporary jewellery pieces that relate to Albrecht and Givenchy (earring and ring made with ceramics as seen in figure 1, but not using ceramics to incorporate my work. I want my jewellery pieces to include 80% of non-precious materials, such as plastic waste like Mario Albrecht art-jewellery work in figure 2 and also use 20% of precious materials such as silver, copper, and brass.


  1. Sounds like a good idea... Maybe the moulds could be made using Rhino?
    Also... you are not saying anything about recycling vs up cycling etc etc...

    1. The moulds can be made through Rhino for accurate measurements when printed 3D as a hollowed-out block. The hollowed-out block must be able to release pressure on the side holes when I am pressing hot plastic inside the block. I want to do downcycling, which is a recycling practice that involves breaking or cutting an item down into its component elements or materials.
